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    PHLOGIN (Diclofenac Sodium) injections IM (Intraglut) is for pain, swelling & inflammation. It is also used to relieve the sudden pain, inflammation, swelling, joint stiffness which are caused by arthritis.

    By reducing these types of pain you can get a more comfortable daily routine. This medication formula increases the immunity level of the human body.

    This medicine is also known as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. it is for oral use only and it is also effective against period pain.

    It is also very useful for all painful and inflammatory conditions like acute attacks of gout, renal colic, dental pain, post-operative and post-traumatic pain.


    Package contains: A broad Phlogin one packet having 5X3ml injections ampoules and leaflet (instructions).


    Each 3 ml ampoule contains:

    Diclofenac Sodium B.P 75mg

    Mfg. Specs. Brookes

    Dosage: To be used as directions by the physician For detailed information see insert.

    Important Instructions: Keep all medicines out of reach of children. Store at room temperature 15° to 30°C away from light.


    PHLOGIN back

    This may cause some side effects

    • Dizziness
    • Stomach pain
    • Anxiety
    • Headache
    • Dry cough
    • Malaise
    • Constipation
    • Heartburn
    • Stiffness

    If any of these side effects persist, immediately consult the physician.

    Warning: Avoid taking medicine without the direction of the physician. Must see the expiry date before using. Limited use during breastfeeding. To be sold on prescription of a registered medical practitioner only. Avoid using it in the last stage of pregnancy.

    The medicine is manufactured by Brookes  Pharma Pvt. Ltd. https://www.brookes ^(

    Buy it online at: ^(


    By: Dua Fatima

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