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Nufac SR

    Nufac SR

    Nufac SR

    Nufac SR (Mebeverine HCl) capsule is effective medicine used for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. It is a common condition revealed by spasms and pain in the intestines.

    Nufac SR Capsule is composed of active ingredient Mebeverin hydrochloride, and it is an antispasmodic medicine. It is useful to treat irritation internally intestines. It is also effective to treat discomfort in the colon, colitis, and spastic constipation.

    It also gives comfort from severe pain and cramps in the intestine. Moreover, it can also be used to treat colicky abdominal cramps, and pain, non-specific diarrhea to relive spasms, and pain. It works by effecting on the smooth muscles of the GIT, and it is a pain relief effect there.

    Package contains: Each pack of Nufac SR contains 10 capsules of 200mg.

    Nufac SR


    Each capsule contains:

    Mebeverin hydrochloride as sustained release pellets equivalent to Mebeverine HCl 200mg

    (Manufacturer’s Specs)

    Dosage: As directed by the physician. See leaflet for full prescribing information.

    Side effects:

    Nufac SR back
    • Heartburn
    • Indigestion
    • Tiredness
    • Diarrhoea
    • Loss of appetite  
    • Dizziness
    • Insomnia
    • Headache
    • Decreased pulse rate


    Store in a dry place below 30oC and protect from sunlight. Keep all medicine out of reach of children. To be sold on the prescription of a registered medical practitioner.

    Manufactured and Buy Online:

    Manufactured by: McOLSON Research Laboratories (Pvt) Ltd: ^(

    Buy online from: ^(


    By: Arslan Aslam

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