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Home » Uriflow




    Uriflow (Tamsulosin HCI USP) capsule is used for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate), a condition characterized by symptoms such as weak urine flow, difficulty urinating, loss of bladder control, etc.

    How it works: Uriflow capsules are alpha 1-adrenergic blocking agents showing selectivity for alpha 1 receptor in the human prostate {01}.

    Relaxation of the smooth muscle in the bladder neck and prostate produced by alpha 1-adrenergic blockade results in improved urine flow and reduced symptoms of BPH.

    Package contains: Each pack of Uriflow contains 1 capsule of 0.4 mg.



    Each capsule contains:

    Sustained release pellets of Tamsulosin HCI equivalent to Tamsulosin HCI USP 0.4mg.

    The product complies with USP Specifications.

    Dosage: As directed by a physician.  

    Side Effects:

    Major & minor side effects of this capsule:

    Uriflow back
    • Fever with chills
    • Hypersensitivity
    • Allergic reactions
    • Depression
    • Cough
    • Chest pain
    • Dizziness
    • Abnormal ejaculation
    • Headache
    • Runny Nose
    • Body pain
    • Decreased interest in sexual intercourse
    • Trouble sleeping
    • Asthenia
    • Gastrointestinal
    • Nausea
    • Vomiting
    • Diarrhoea
    • Rash.
    • Drowsiness
    • Dry mouth

    If you have any side effects of these contact your doctor.

    Instructions: Protect from heat, light & moisture. Store below 30°C. Keep out of reach of children.


    Manufacture By: ALL-MED (PVT) LTD: ^(

    Buy online from: ^(


    By: Mehwish Afzal

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