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Eczemus ®

    Eczemus ®

    Eczemus ®

    Eczemus ® (Tacrolimus) is used for external purposes only like rashes, skin burns, etc. It has been shown to inhibit the release of inflammatory mediators from skin mast cells disturbance due to any reason, it provides sudden relief.

    Uses This medicine is used to indicate short-term and intermittent long-term therapy in the treatment of moderate to severe atopic dermatitis in children and moderate to severe atopic dermatitis in adults.

    Package contains: Each package of Eczemus contains 10 gm of a tube with head sealed and leaflet.

    Dosage:Eczemus ®

    For children: apply a thin layer on infected skin areas twice daily.

    For adults: apply a thin layer on infected areas thrice daily.

    It is best to use as per the direction of the physician.


    Each gram of the tube of total contains:

    Tacrolimus ointment 0.3 mg


    Keep all medicines out of the reach of the children.

    Protect the medicine from the following which mentioned below

    • Sunlight
    • Heat
    • Moisture
    • Freeze

    Store between 15° to 30° C


    To be sold on prescription of a registered medical practitioner only.

    This medicine causes some common side effects which mentioned below

    Eczemus ® back
    • Burning
    • Sensation
    • Pruritus
    • Erythema (rare)
    • Skin irrigation ( common)

    If any of these side effects persist, report to your physician promptly.


    Must see the expiry date before using.

    Avoid taking it, if the seal is broken.

    Immediately consult your doctor in case of serious side effects.

    The medicine is Manufactured by Brookes pharmaceutical (Pvt.) Ltd ^(

    Buy it online at ^(


    By: Alizay Fatima

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