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Kent 39

    Kent 39

    Kent 39

    Kent 39 drops are homoepatic medicine for eye irritation and many more eye problems.

    The term eye irritation refers to feelings of dryness, itchiness, pain, or grittiness in the eye. Many factors can cause eye irritation, including injuries and dry eye.

    Package contains: Each package contains a 30ml Kent 39 drops bottle (glass dropper bottle).


    Kent 39

    Each 100 ml contains

    Apis mel 4D

    Natrium Muriaticum 6D

    Rhus toxicodendron 12D

    Hepar sulfuris 12D

    Spigelia 6 D

    Staphisagria 4D

    Acthiops Minerales 8D

    Dosage: In general 10 drops 3 times daily.

    Direction of Use: Put 10 drops in a little amount of water (cup) and use it three times a day.

    Kent 39 back


    • Red, painful eyes due to lack of sleep Allergies, or overuse.
    • Conjunctivitis, iritis.
    • Catarrhal Ophthalmic.
    • Eye pains, Photophobia.
    • Chalazion.
    • Exophthalmia.

    Note: this is a Homoeopathic/Unani medicine and safe to use.

    Why are Kent’s products chosen more often? Recommended by more homeopathic physicians then any other brand. Reliable and effective formulas for the whole family.

    Storage:  Store in a cool, dry place and protect from sunlight. Keep away from heat and light and children.

    Instructions: Use according to the direction of the physician or your concerned doctor. Use the leaflet inside for further information if needed.

    Manufactured by:

    It is manufactured by KENT HOMEOPATHIC PHARMACY ^(

    You can purchase Kent 39 at this link: ^(

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