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    Altercast Tablet (Montelukast Sodium) is used to control and prevent symptoms caused by asthma (such as wheezing and shortness of breath).

    It is also used before exercise to prevent breathing problems during exercise (bronchospasm). This medication can help decrease the number of times you need to use your quick-relief inhaler.

    Altercast Tab is also used to relieve symptoms of hay fever and allergic rhinitis (such as sneezing, stuffy, runny, itchy nose).

    Package Contains: Altercast package contains 14 Tablets of 10mg in the box.



    Each film coated tablet contains:

    Montelukast as Sodium 10mg.

    (Wnsfeild Specs)


    • See package insert for full prescribing information or as directed by the physician.
    • If you have any query about this medicine, please contact your physicain.

    Side Effects: Tell your doctor right away if you have any serious side effects, including numbness, tingling, shooting pain in the arms or legs, sinus pain, swelling, muscle weakness, uncontrolled muscle movements, stuttering.


    • Store at 25°C (Excursions permitted between 15°C-30°C).
    • Protect from sunlight and moisture.
    • Store in a cool & dry place.
    • Keep all medication out of reach of children.
    • To be sold on the prescription of RMP (Registered Medical Physician) only.
    ALTERCAST back

    Manufactured by: Acumen Pharma. ^(

    You can buy online from:

    It’s not available online right now but you can get it on any pharmacist store near your location easily.


    By: Muzammil Rajpoot

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