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Home » Asthotifen




    Asthotifen (Ketotifen) tablet is usually used as an anti-asthma medication. It contains Ketotifen and it’s related to the category of Allergy medications.

    Asthotifen tablets are effective medicine used to minimize the frequency and harshness of asthma attacks.

    This medicine may allow for a significant rebate in the usage of various other asthma medications. Although, it is not effective in treating an active asthma attack, especially an acute one.

    Package contains: Each pack of Asthotifen contains 30 Tablets of 1mg.



    Each Tablet contains:

    Ketotifen 1mg (As ketotifen Hydrogen Fumarate BP 1.38mg)

    (ZAFA Specifications.)


    • Adults: 1-2 tablets twice daily or as directed by your physician.
    • Children – As directed by the physician.

    Or see leaflet for detailed information.

    Indications: Treatment of Asthma.

    Contra-Indications: Hepatic Impairment, cirrhosis, hypersensitivity, Lactation.

    Interactions: Warfarin, theophylline, aspirin, terfenadine, erythromycin, smoking.

    Adverse Effects: Headache, GI upset, rash rarely, hepatitis, bruising, bleeding disorder.

    Side effects: Some side effects may be caused by this Asthotifen, but they are commonly rare. Common side-effects include;

    Asthotifen back
    • Absence of menstrual periods
    • Swelling of breasts in men
    • Change in sex drive


    • Store at 15-30oC.
    • Protect from light and moisture.
    • Keep all medicine out of reach of children.

    Caution/Warning: To be sold on prescription of a registered medical practitioner only.


    Manufacture By: ZAFA Pharmaceuticals Laboratories (Pvt) Ltd: ^(

    Buy online from: ^(


    By: Muzammil Rajpoot

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