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    Levoma (Levosulpiride) tablet is an antipsychotic medication. The drug is used for the prevention of premature ejaculation. It is also used to treat depression, indigestion, GORD, psychiatric disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety disorder, vertigo, hallucinations, schizophrenia, and frequent heartburn.


    Levoma-25mg Tablets and each tablet contains:


    Levosulpiride 25 mg


    After oral administration, the bioavailability of L-sulpride is about 30%.

    Peak plasma concentration occurs after 3 hours and it has a plasma half-life of about 9.7 hours.

    It is mostly eliminated by kidneys in the urine.


    • Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
    • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
    • Dyspeptic syndrome (anorexia,meteorism,sense of epigastric tension.postprandial cephalgia,pyrosis, eruptions, diarrhea,stipsis) due to retarded gastric voiding related to organic factors (diabetic gastroperesis neoplasia etc.)And/or functional factors (visceral) somatization in anxious depressive individuals)

    Side effects:

    For prolonged administration certain disturbances were observed on particular occasions:

    • Amenorrhea
    • Gynecomastia
    • Galactorrhea
    • Alteration of llbido

    Dosage & administration:

    For Adults: 1 tablet of 25mg/50mg 2-3 times per day before meals, according to your medical prescription or as directed by the physician.

    Overdosage: In internal medicine, not extrapyramidal or sleep disturbances have ever been observed, which may eventually occur at very high dosages.

    Interrupting the therapy or reducing the dosage depending on the physician’s judgment will be sufficient in this case.

    Levoma Back


    Store below 30°C.

    Protect from light heat and moisture.

    All medicines should be kept out of the reach of children.


    The product is manufactured by GENOME PHARMACEUTICALS (PVT).LTD

    And is available online at: ^( ^(


    By: Ayesha Abid

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