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    Oxaquin (Moxifloxacin HCl) tablet belongs to a group of medicines known as quinolone antibiotics. It shows effectiveness by stopping the growth of bacteria and eventually killing them.

    It is only effective against bacterial infections and will not treat viral infections like the common cold and flu.

    Uses: It is used for the treatment of bacterial infections such as acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, community-acquired pneumonia, and bronchitis.

    Oxaquin is also used for mild to moderate pelvic inflammatory disease, genital tract infections, and complicated skin and soft tissue infections.

    Package Contains: It contains 5 film coated tablets of 400mg.



    Each film coated tablet contains:

    Moxifloxacin (as HCl) 400mg.

    Product Specification: HNL spec.

    Dosage & Instructions:

    To be sold and used on the prescription of a registered medical practitioner only.

    For details see enclosed leaflet. Keep out of reach of children. Store below 25°C in a dry place. Protect from light. Detailed prescribing information is available at ^(

    Precautions: Consult your doctor before breastfeeding. Avoid driving after taking this medicine. Please consult your doctor when taking this medicine if you are pregnant.

    Side effects:

    Oxaquin back

    Signs of a new infection.

    Easy bruising.

    Persistent sore throat.

    Dark urine.

    Yellowing skin.

    Signs of liver problems.

    Severe stomach pain.



    Manufactured by: TITLIS Pharma Ltd. ^(

    For: Highnoon Laboratories Ltd. Highnoon Laboratories Limited ^(

    You can buy it online at: Buy Oxaquin emeds Pharmacy ^(


    By: Zunaira Liaqat

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