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    Vorneu (vortioxetine) tablet is mainly used to treat depression. This medicine helps to restore the balance of a certain natural substance (serotonin) in the brain.

    It also improves your mood, sleep, appetite, and energy level and may help restore your interest in daily living. It is an immediate-release tablet for oral administration.

    Package Contains: Each package contains 1 tablet of Vorneu (10mg).



     Each film-coated tablet contains:

    Vortioxetine (as Hydrobromide) 10mg.

    The product complies with innovator’s Specifications.

    Dosage: As prescribed by the physician.

    Indications: This tablet is indicated for the treatment of major depressive episodes in adults.


    • Hypersensitivity to vortioxetine or any component of the formulation.
    • Angioedema has been reported in patients treated with vortioxetine.


    • Ingestion of vortioxetine in clinical trials in the dose range of 40mg to 75mg has caused an aggravation of the following adverse reactions:
    • Nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, somnolence, and flushing.
    • Management of overdose should consist of treating clinical symptoms and relevant monitoring.
    • Medical follow-up in a specialized environment is recommended.


    • Vorneu is not recommended for the treatment of depression in children aged 7 to 11 years.
    • It should not be used in adolescents aged 12 to 17 years.


    Vorneu back
    • Store below 30°C.
    • Keep out of reach of children.
    • Protect from sunlight and moisture.


    It is manufactured by Hilton Pharma (Pvt.) Ltd. https://hiltonpharma ^(

    You can buy this drug online at: ^(


    By: Tayyaba Zareen

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