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    Zopent (pantoprazole) works by decreasing the amount of acid that our stomach makes and relieves symptoms like a persistent cough, heartburn, and difficulty in swallowing. It is used to treat intestinal inflammation and stomach inflammation.

    It is manufactured by Hilton Pharma.


    It is used to treat damage from gastroesophageal reflux disease. It is a condition where acid from the stomach flows back words, causing heartburn and sometimes injury of the esophagus.

    Pantoprazole is also used to treat erosive esophagitis and difficulty in swallowing. It helps in healing the stomach from acid damage and also prevents ulcers and cancer of esophagus.


    Each pack contains: Each pack of 40mg of Zopent contains 20 tablets. It is also available in 20mg tablets.


    Each eccentric-coated tablet contains:

    Pantoprazole Sodium Sesquihydrate (USP) eq. to pantoprazole 40mg. The product complies with USP.

    Dosage: Take medicine as prescribed by your physician. Zopent is prescribed by physicians to adults and children who are at least 5 years old for up to 8 weeks until the esophagus completely heals.

    Swallow whole without chewing, breaking, or crushing the tablet it is best to take these tablets an hour before a meal take this medicine twice a day, & as prescribed by your physician.

     Side effects: Side effects might include vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vitamin B12 deficiency, headache, and allergic reactions.

    Instructions:Zopent back

    Store below 30°C.

    Keep out of the reach of children.

    Protect from heat, sunlight, and moisture.

    To be sold on the prescription of a registered medical practitioner only.

    For further information see the enclosed leaflet.

    It is manufactured by Hilton pharma at: ^(

    It is also available online at the link below: ^(


    By: Javairia Israr

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