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    Telfast (fexofenadine hydrochloride) is an anti-allergic tablet form of medicine.

    It is a non-drowsy medicine and hence benefits in using it while work.

    Fexofenadine HCL is an antihistamine used in curing nasal and throat allergies.



    180 mg dose contains 180 mg fexofenadine hydrochloride.

    Other dose variants are 10 mg and 120 mg.


    This medicine helps in relief from symptoms of hay fever and allergies caused by this fever such as:

    • Sneezing.
    • Itching of throat.
    • Runny nose and itching in it.
    • Itchy and watery eyes.

    It also relieves from the symptoms of urticarial (itchy skin rashes) such as:

    • Swelling caused by allergy.
    • Hives inflammation.
    • Skin rashes.
    • Itching due to the hives and rashes.


    1 tablet a day for adults and children above 12 years old.

    Telfast back

    Use as prescribed by the doctor.


    Telfast is not to be used in:

    • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
    • Patient under 12 years old.
    • The blister seal is wrecked.
    • If stored above 30°C.

    Side effects:

    This medicine may cause diarrhea, weakness, itching at the affected area for a while, and nausea.

    120 mg dose of this medicine can cause drowsiness.

    Consult the doctor if the patient has hypersensitivity to fexofenadine hydrochloride.

    If the medicine indicates a serious problem, refer to the doctor instantly.


    Telfast is manufactured by SANOFI. ^(

    To buy this medicine online, visit. ^(


    By: Nosheen Khan

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